Physical Wellness

Four Ways to Turn Your Home Into a Gym

By Kamal Nayan | Update Date: Sep 05, 2014 04:24 PM EDT

Not everyone can afford an expensive membership to a fitness club or a personal trainer to be healthy and fit. But that doesn't mean, people cannot remain fit. 

Some easy workouts can be done from the comfort of your own living room. Here are four simple (and obvious) things you can do to stay fit at indoor itself.

Related: 4 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work Out 

Stair climbing

Simply climbing the stairs does a great workout. You can start by stepping up onto the first stair, and then back down. Repeat the process for at least ten times. Then walk up to first two stairs and then back down, again do it repeatedly. At the end of this activity, you will surely feel burnt down. 

Laundry lifts

A laundry basket full of clothes can be used as an arm exercise apparatus. Hold the basket above the head, and lift upwards and back down. Repeat this for at least three times. If the basket is too heavy for you, simply take out some clothes and then repeat. This exercise is good for your shoulders, upper arms and upper back muscles. 

Commercial break exercise

If you spend too much time watching television, this might be the most apt exercise for you. While watching television, when a commercial comes up, get up for a burst of intense exercise. You can do some sit-ups, push-ups or crunches. The motto basically should be the get your heart rate up.

Rolling chair presses 

Here is an idea that will help you workout even at your office. Simply hold onto the edge of your desk while you are seated in the chair, and use your arm muscles to pull yourself close to desk, then push yourself back away. This exercise will help shape your biceps. 

Read: 9 Signs you are Exercising Too Much

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