
Minimum Age for Tobacco, E-cig Sales Should Be Increased to 21, Recommend Pediatricians

By Kanika Gupta | Update Date: Oct 28, 2015 04:43 PM EDT

Health experts say that the minimum age for buying tobacco or e-cigarettes should be raised to 21 years as the teenagers in United States are becoming increasingly addicted to nicotine. The American Academy of Pediatrics are insisting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to make stricter rules regarding the sale of e-cigs as well as tobacco to youngsters, reported Tech Times.

In a recent study published in the Journal Pediatrics, AAP revealed suggestions and policies such as clinical guidelines on curbing tobacco use as well as its dependence. To control the exposure, the regulation of e-cigs is mandatory and must be incorporated in the public health policy. AAP also recommended that the regulations must include prohibition on advertisement of flavored products, higher taxes on e-cigarettes and stronger smoke-free laws that could curb the second hand smoke environment. They further suggested that the use of tobacco and e-cigs should be banned at public places such as restaurants, health care facilities, restaurants, parks, schools, bars and entertainment venues revealed the study, as per Consumerist.

Dr. Karen M. Wilson, Chair of AAP Section on Tobacco Control said, "Tobacco use continues to be a major health threat to children, adolescents and adults". She also explained that since the teen's brains are still developing and are vulnerable to nicotine, the popularity of tobacco and e-cigs is hazardous for their health in long-term. Researchers also say that the parents must refrain from using e-cigs in front of their children and limit its exposure as much as possible. The companies are also required to take preventive steps like child-resistant packaging that can stop the inquisitive children from experimenting, said a report in Newsweek. The study also explained that dependence on tobacco and e-cigarettes start when they are still adolescent. Anything that belongs to the restricted territory is exciting for children.

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