Physical Wellness

How You Can Detox Your Body Post Halloween

By R. Siva Kumar | Update Date: Nov 03, 2015 11:25 AM EST

Halloween is fun as long as it lasts, but the day after can be quite heavy---especially as you suffer from a sugar burst.

Eating the sugar treats at one time increases the craving. However, a study in 2014 in JAMA Internal Medicine explains that if you depend on sugar for 17 to 21 percent of your daily calorie intake, then you are prone to die of cardiovascular disease by 38 percent.

Firstly, you can drink lots of water, as the sugar would have made you urinate often and lead to dehydration, according to Everyday Health. Moreover, water with lemon in the morning can help you to flush out the toxins.

Secondly, avoid the carbohydrates, which will add to your sugar content. Instead, lean proteins and high-fiber vegetables like broccoli can fill you up and keep your hunger away, according to The Daily Meal

Do not indulge in fatty foods. Consume avocado that has healthy farts, and artichokes to help the bile flow and rid your body of toxins. A 2013 study published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition explains that avocado oil contains 71 percent mono unsaturated fatty acids that directly work to benefit your heart.

Now how about that detox schedule?

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