
Video: 'Unidentified' Glow Spotted by International Space Station Cameras

By R. Siva Kumar | Update Date: Nov 05, 2015 11:04 AM EST

One man who is an alien enthusiast is sure that a live stream from the International Space Station got suddenly cut off, after there was a strange and inexplicable activity, that seemed like that of an alien's.

It was when the alien enthusiast, Scott C. Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily, was watching the ISS live feed that he got suddenly jolted. He was shocked when he saw a white blur.

He explains to The Express that first the camera was zooming on the unidentified object for a brief flash. Then the stream got cut off, when the camera attempted to focus on the bright light.

"I was watching the space station live cam when I noticed the camera switch to a new camera. Then the camera began to swing to the left until it focused on a white oval between it and Earth," Waring said. "The vibrant light from the UFO was so powerful that even NASA's new seven million dollar HD cameras could not focus on it."

So far no comments have been made by NASA on the light, or what they think it could be. Waring as well as many news outlets are posing questions about the importance of the light, or what it might indicate.

Critics are slamming the NASA for covering up the real details of the actual footage, according to The Sun.

However, Waring isn't completely trusted either. He has gained some infamy as he was among the first to see strange, mysterious phenomena on Mars. He claimed that he saw little people on the surface of the red planet, according to Mirror.

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