
Use This Artificial Nose To Detect And Throw Out Spoilt Food

By R. Siva Kumar | Update Date: Nov 06, 2015 10:19 AM EST

One artificial nose has been developed by the Massachusetts-based company C2Sense. This one is fixed on computers and gives them a powerful sense of smell, according to Wired.

It can locate and identify ethylene gas, a chemical released from spoilt food. Human noses cannot detect the gas.

Ethylene is the main culprit in the spoilage of food. When one rotten food releases the gas, it spreads and infects the others too, resulting in widespread rot. By detecting the correct source of the gas, it is possible to remove the food and prevent the others from getting rotten.Hopefully, the company is hoping to market its device to various restaurants and food banks so that ripening fruit that is emitting ethylene can be removed from the spot.

Moreover, the device will be cheap enough to be used by homes that can use it to keep their food fresh. However, this device is not totally new. Many companies have developed and used them for other activities, such as diagnosing disease, if some techniques are too expensive for the patient, according to the Guardian.

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