
Google Accused of Spying on Kids through its Chromebooks

By Kanika Gupta | Update Date: Dec 04, 2015 02:33 PM EST

Google has been recently accused of spying on kids by using their personal data with their Chromebooks. The Electronic Frontier Foundation reproached Google of collecting and saving the data from children when they use the products made by the search giant at school and requested that the U.S. Federal Trade Commission should investigate the matter, according to BBC report. Google, however, denied the accusations on the ground that it collected the information only to improve their own product experience and not for targeted advertising.

EFF, the non-profit organization focused on civil liberties alleges that the data that Google collects breaches the student privacy pledge that it signed in January. According to EFF, many questionable practices were identified by Google while it was researching for its campaign "Spying on Students" that was launched yesterday. The campaign has been designed specifically to highlight any risks associated with the use of electronic devices and the school-supplied software. The company noted that even though the company did not collect any student data for using it for targeted advertising, Google did use the sync feature to mine and track the data about the YouTube viewing habits, saved passwords and browsing activities, as reported by Top Tech News

Computer Engineer and Owner of Area 51 PC, Shaun Book says it's a serious accusation. "Their claim is that they're taking underage children information such as emails and activities online and harvesting that information." According to Book, this kind of information can be very profitable for the company. "Statistics say from five years old through the age of 16, oh my goodness, now they know what kinds of cars you like, particular brands of clothing, maybe even what you like to eat and drink," said Book. "These companies are trying to build what I would foresee as a very profitable and large consumer base that has yet to even com into the market," reports Wink News

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