Physical Wellness
E-Cigarettes: Are They Good or Bad For You?
It looks like the days of people being into traditional tobaccos are about to be history. We live now in a generation when smokers are into this new lifestyle of smoking since the invention of e-cigarettes, where the "E" stands for "electronic."
This was created to help those who want to quit smoking the traditional cigarettes. There are some who think that it is effective and safe while others think it is dangerous. Take a look at why people have varying opinions regarding e-cigarettes.
A photo posted by Halcyon Vapors(@halcyonvapors) on Apr 11, 2016 at 10:30pm PDT
E-cigarettes Can Make You Quit Smoking With No Risk Involved According to Wall Street Journal, experts along with the U.S. Surgeon General said that most of the reason why cigarette smokers end up getting sick is due to the smoke itself. A lot of people assume that it is because of the nicotine present in tobaccos, but little do they know that the smoke coming from it was actually the one to blame. Traditional cigarettes contain nicotine that burns, which is why it is dangerous when its smoke gets inside the body and even more dangerous when exhaled. With e-cigarettes, this won't be an issue because even though nicotine is present, it is not burned and that alone could save people's lives.
A photo posted by Vapebox (@officialvapebox) on Apr 11, 2016 at 4:59pm PDT
E-cigarettes Could Put Your Life At Risk
WedMD said that although there are people who are saying that e-cigarettes are safer than tobacco, the danger is for people who have heart issues. The arteries could be damaged eventually. Since nicotine is still part of its ingredients, getting addicted to it would still be the case. You can get terrible withdrawals the moment you decided to stop using it. Withdrawals are no joke, as you could experience feeling irritable most of the time, not to mention being depressed.
The rise of e-cigs in the society has sparked a lot of debate whether they are good or bad for the health or whether they are safer than the usual cigarettes. The truth is that no one has confirmed anything about it yet. But for those who tried it, they could say that they felt better using it than having to deal with tobacco.
What do you think of e-cigarettes? Have you tried it? We could like to hear from you, so feel free to comment below.
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