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‘Luke Cage’ Season 2 Air Date, Plot Recap: Critics’ Mixed Review; Too Many Questions Left Unanswered?

By Audrey | Update Date: Oct 29, 2016 07:57 AM EDT

Luke Cage Season 2 air date is yet to be determined as Netflix hasn't said a word about a season renewal and a definite time for it. So people are wondering whether or not the show is going to be renewed as critics come up with mixed reviews. Some are even saying there are two many unanswered questions that will leave you scratching your head when the credits roll.

Fans know Luke Cage as the impenetrable black man. He was fiercely against police brutality especially on the black folks of his community. He was the 'hero in a hoodie' who walked down the street. He didn't like his abilities and saw them as a burden. He didn't like the unwarranted attention it got him. He'd rather live a quiet life with his friends and family. But Harlem wanted him to be a hero for hire. They desperately wanted him to be the symbol they badly wanted and needed. He was 'forced' into this superhero hero thing. But deep inside, he felt good that he was fighting for something rewarding.

Revisiting Themes Unnecessarily

There was a shift from rumination on the black people's responsibility to their society to the interpersonal conflict between Luke and Diamondback. There's also the scene where he interrupts a robbery in progress which looked like it was placed there merely for comic relief. As A.V. club notes, the following scenes don't say anything new about Luke, nor Harlem, his abilities or anything else. There's no point making so many scenes of bullets flying off his chest and the thugs are shocked- we know that already.

Yes, we appreciate the idea behind Luke Cage's creation and the need for a black superhero. But critics believe it has a very conservative viewpoint as sighted in truthrevolt. They are turned off by the show because the main character tends to be conservative and is said to be engaged in "respectability politics".

Guys, let's give the show a chance. It's just the first season that we saw. Perhaps the upcoming season will tackle more complex issues and be less conservative in a lot of aspects. Until then, let's just appreciate the goodie under the black hoodie.

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