Mental Health

Brain Alters Up To Two Years After Woman's Pregnancy

By Diane Recio | Update Date: Dec 20, 2016 08:03 PM EST

A recent study finally explains the science behind mother-child bonding. Brain scans revealed that there is a change in the brain structure during pregnancy that makes a woman shift to motherhood. This shift is evident for up to two years after pregnancy, confirming a woman's exceptional maternal instincts and unparalleled mother and child bond. 

The grey matter is said to be responsible for memory in certain parts of the brain. It is believed that the said structural change is meant to pave way for women to attain sharper intuitive maternal skills.

No evidence was found however in diminishing memory of mothers although they have reported being extra emotional than usual and forgetfulness.

"It is important to stress that our findings do not suggest any link to changes in general cognitive abilities or intelligence," said Hoekezema.

A European study held in Spain revealed images from the MRI that included 25 first time mothers before and after pregnancy. The same women underwent brain scans 2 years after giving birth and were compared to brain scans of 19 first-time fathers, and to 17 men and 20 women without kids.

The results were astonishing and the brain scans of the mothers were easily determined. The results were conclusive having seen the scans significantly different from mothers who are pregnant and up to two years after birth.

"These changes were remarkably consistent," said Elseline Hoekzema, co-author of the research from Leiden University.

The brain scans also revealed that the mothers who had less grey matter in their hippocampus developed a better relationship with their new born. Mothers whose grey areas diminished significantly also had lesser chance of suffering from post-partum depression.

The study also reveals no changes in the scans of men with or without children.

This is remarkable evidence that proves the unequaled bond between mother and child. The mother-child relationship is no longer just a general public opinion but is now a fact backed up by research and evidence.

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