Mental Health

Patients Suing Clinic For False Alzeihmer's Diagnosis

By Anne Collins | Update Date: Feb 12, 2017 12:33 PM EST

More than 50 people sued an Ohio memory loss clinic's former director and owner after giving false diagnosis of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. The Toledo Clinic Cognitive Center is now closed.

The clinic opened in 2015, owner Sherry-Ann Jenkins had a doctorate degree in physiological science but did not have a medical license. She was not authorized to order medical tests or dole out diagnosis and treatment but her husband, a doctor, signed the tests despite never actually seeing any of the patients.

Patients who were treated and falsely diagnosed dealt with depression, took long vacations, spent more time with family. Sold possessions and even quit their jobs. They lived their lives under the assumption that it was about to change sooner or later for them. Eventually, second opinions confirmed the diagnosis were false.

According to ABA Journal, many patients believed their lives would change after being told they had Alzeihmer's. One patient, Gary Taynor even killed himself. His wife, Kay Taynor said there was no sign of Alzeihmer's found in the autopsy.

The clinic has accumulated a number of lawsuits over the past year. Each of the patients were seeking more than a million in damages.

Patients have also sued the Toledo Clinic, alleging ti should have known Jenkins did not have the proper training and credentials necessary to treat and diagnose patients according to Gizmodo.

Lawyers for the clinic legally responded to the lawsuits, they did not dispute that Jenkins was unlicensed but denied most of the other allegations. So far, no criminal charges were filed against Jenkins, and it is unclear whether there will be.

Toledo lawyer, David Zoll, who filed the lawsuit said he assumed the aim of the misdiagnoses were profit. Zoll said "They made money on the PET scans and of course her statement to these people typically was, 'You need to come and see me every six weeks or every so often,' so she would bill for those visits, bill for that exam."

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