
Taste Over IP Technology Lets You Sip Virtual Lemonade [VIDEO]

By Gerard Black | Update Date: Mar 31, 2017 09:50 AM EDT

Researchers from the National University of Singapore have released the results of their test on what they term as "taste over IP technology." The technology allowed them to send digital transmissions over the internet to let the end users drink virtual lemonade with just a glass of water.

The taste over IP technology is made possible by their system that consists of a lemonade sensor, a communication protocol, and a special tumbler, usually placed at a remote location, which receives the data to simulate the taste of virtual lemonade, the reported.

The lemonade sensor composed of an RGB sensor that collects data on color, and a pH sensor that allows the system to measure the sourness of the lemonade. After receiving the signals, the tumbler mimicked the sourness of the virtual lemonade by sending light pulses of electricity to the taste buds and LED lights projected the color into the glass of plain water, the New Scientist reported.

Taste over IP technology is still in infancy but the creators of the innovation, led by Nimesha Ranasinghe, hopes that in the future they will be able to recreate the full virtual cocktail that can project the smell, taste and color.

The new technology still cannot recreate the full flavor profile because it is still not capable of stimulating the sense of smell. The creators believe that true flavor can only be replicated if there is an olfactory simulation.

Another use for the technology that the creator sees, aside from being able to share the virtual drink posted in social media, is the possibility of letting people enjoy cocktails without the alcohol. It would also help people drink virtual beverages and not ingest the calories contained in the actual drink.

This ground-breaking research was presented at the Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction in Yokohama, Japan this month.

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