
Shamed TX Woman Sues LA Fitness Chain Over "Sexually Suggestive" Exercises

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Feb 05, 2013 01:40 PM EST

A woman from Dallas, Texas is suing LA Fitness after she claims that she was forced to do sexually suggestive exercises by two of the gym chain's trainers who acted inappropriately towards her.

Jamie Johnson says that two personal trainers at LA Fitness in Plano, Texas made sexually suggestive comments to her and put her through humiliating exercise routines.

She told CBS 11 News that it all started when a trainer at the gym forced her to do exercises she felt were inappropriate.

"He would answer bluntly, 'So, I can see your chest move while you do it," Johnson said the trainer said when she asked him about the "strange exercises" he was making her do. "And, not in an exercising kind of way. More in a sexual way."

After that, Johnson said she decided to get a new trainer. But, even then she couldn't escape. She said that the new trainer also made inappropriate comments toward her and even sent her a vulgar text message, which she said appeared on her cell phone while her 5-year-old son was holding it.

"That's extremely inappropriate and I felt embarrassed and ashamed and violated," she said, according to CBS11 News.

Johnson said she stopped going to the gym last June, and when she called to complain to the company's corporate offices, they offered her $400. She had been paying $200 a month on a two-year contract.

Afterwards, she decided to contact an attorney.

"This was probably just an effort to move this along like perhaps any other claim that may come through their door," Johnson's attorney, Chase Laws, said referring to the $400 LA Fitness previously offered to his client, according to CBS 11.

Laws has filed a suit for Deceptive Trade Practices and Negligence against LA Fitness arguing that the gym chain failed to honor their contract with Johnson by not providing her with a safe workout environment.

According to the suit, Johnson suffered traumatic emotion distress and was unable to function in her day-to-day activities. The suit also claims that Johnson's husband also suffered emotionally.

Johnson said that she doesn't just want LA Fitness to pay, she want to teach the gym chain a lesson.

"I would like to have these guys realize they can't treat women this way," Johnson said.

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