Mental Health
Why Teens Drink and Use Drugs
There is no doubt that the use of alcohol and drugs in adolescents has been increasingly rampant over the years. While most do it out of peer pressure or to give it a try, some end up developing some kind of dependency that lasts up to adulthood.
But what are the real reasons why teenagers misuse alcohol and drugs? Here are the top three.

Media and Other People
Undeniably, the media has a strong influence on everyone's life and decision-making process. Nowadays, we live and breathe social media and the internet. So, it only makes sense that it is one of the top factors influencing teens and their habits.
Drinking and drug abuse are frequently shown and talked about in movies, TV shows, social media, and even music. The curious mind of a teenager sees this and the behavior of the people around them, and it influences how they behave.
Adolescents who experience hearing the word "no" from their parents and guardians tend to rebel against the rules frequently. For them, alcohol and drugs are a way to escape their reality so they can be in a more ideal world.
Consuming alcohol makes it easier for them to lash out and express their emotions, while hallucinogens and other various drugs give them the satisfaction of closing their eyes from reality.
In some cases, boredom can also lead to substance abuse. Children and adolescents naturally have curious minds. And if this is not fulfilled, they will look for something to do.
Teens who do not have regular hobbies or those who find themselves being alone most of the time tend to keep themselves busy and occupied by alcohol and drugs.
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