
Telltale Signs You are Dealing With a Somatic Narcissist

By Dynne C. | Update Date: Jan 01, 2024 11:17 PM EST

Somatic narcissists are individuals primarily focused on their physical appearance and attractiveness. Their self-worth heavily relies on how they look, often prioritizing grooming, fitness and overall aesthetics.

Unlike other types of narcissists, who might seek admiration for different achievements or qualities, somatic narcissists predominantly seek validation through their appearance. 

They often exhibit traits of entitlement and a constant need for admiration. Somatic narcissists can be exploitative in relationships, using others to enhance their self-image. Their behaviors and attitudes revolve around maintaining their perceived physical superiority.

Body language is a revealing window into narcissistic behavior. Understanding nonverbal cues like the following can help recognize and manage interactions with somatic narcissists.

1. They use exaggerated gestures to draw attention to themselves

Individuals with somatic narcissism often resort to flamboyant gestures and body language, seeking to draw attention towards themselves. They might engage in excessive movements or postures that accentuate their physical appearance. These exaggerated displays aim to project an air of superiority or attractiveness, emphasizing their self-centered nature.

2. They scan the room in a hypervigilant way

A distinct trait of somatic narcissists lies in their hypervigilant scanning of their environment. Constantly assessing the room or space they are in, their focus remains fixated on seeking admiration or validation. This behavior is driven by a need to ensure they are the center of attention, constantly gauging reactions to feed their desire for external validation.

3. They maintain extended eye contact

Extended and intense eye contact is a common trait among somatic narcissists during interactions. They use eye contact as a tool to assert dominance, seek validation, or showcase their self-perceived charm. This prolonged gaze is often used as a means to captivate attention and convey a sense of self-importance.

4. They recoil at attempts at physical touch

Contrary to their outward display of seeking attention, somatic narcissists might recoil from physical touch. This behavior stems from a sense of entitlement and a belief that they are above physical contact unless it aligns with their desire for validation. They might exhibit discomfort or aversion when others attempt physical closeness that does not align with their agenda. 

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