Mental Health

How to Make Your Commute Worth Your While

By Dynne C. | Update Date: Jan 10, 2024 12:36 AM EST

Traffic traps people in the middle of honking cars and relentless delays, stealing precious time and energy. It becomes a daily struggle, but it does not mean that there is no way to make the commute worth it.

Contrary to popular impression, mindfulness is not confined to meditation sessions. It is a tool that can transform the mundane, even a person's daily commute. Seizing these transit moments involves simple yet powerful techniques that can profoundly shape one's experience. Here are some ways to practice mindfulness during commutes.

Embrace loving-kindness

Because of the chaos of a crowded commute, it is natural to feel frustrated. Surprisingly, this irritation can serve as a gateway to practicing loving-kindness. Studies indicate that this approach reduces self-criticism and fosters long-term positivity.

This can be done by acknowledging one's feelings without judgment and then tapping into the shared humanity with fellow commuters. Finally, this practice can be merged with breathing -- inhaling discomfort and exhaling relief.

Focus on your senses

Focusing on the senses during a commute can help with mindfulness. Whether it is feeling the texture of the steering wheel or tuning into the hum of the engine, paying attention to sensations can elevate present awareness. Body scan meditation further amplifies this mindfulness, contributing to heightened happiness and unity. Focusing on physical sensations - touch, sound, and movement -- can help anchor a person in the moment.

Connect with your environment

While commuting, a person can use the surroundings as a tool for grounding. While research on this specific technique is limited, being more attuned to the environment can bring about a sense of calm and connection. This can be done by noticing subtle details around without compromising attention to safe driving or transit behavior.

Appreciate the silence

While podcasts and music can be tempting at this moment, it can also be helpful to carve out moments of silence. This is linked to increased relaxation and a heightened sense of the present. Dedicating a few minutes solely to listening to the sounds of the surroundings can boost feelings of appreciation.

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