Mental Health

The Importance of Self-Efficacy and How to Build It

By Dynne C. | Update Date: Feb 07, 2024 01:26 AM EST

Self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in their ability to achieve desired goals and outcomes. 

Following Albert Bandura's social learning theory, self-efficacy helps determine a person's motivation, resilience and overall well-being. It differs from self-esteem, which is more about one's overall sense of self-worth; self-efficacy focuses on perceived capabilities in specific tasks or situations.

Research indicates that individuals with high levels of self-efficacy are more likely to set challenging goals, persevere in the face of obstacles, and bounce back from setbacks. This belief in their ability to succeed not only influences their behavior but also affects their emotions and thought patterns. When confronted with difficulties, those with strong self-efficacy are more likely to view them as challenges to overcome rather than insurmountable barriers.

Fortunately, self-efficacy is not a fixed trait but rather something that can be cultivated and strengthened over time. Here are some strategies to help build self-efficacy.

Mastery experiences

Bandura explains that mastery experiences are the most effective way to develop self-efficacy. These experiences involve engaging in activities where individuals can achieve success and mastery of skills or concepts. Each accomplishment, no matter how small, contributes to a greater sense of efficacy.

Vicarious learning

Vicarious learning is a type of social learning where observing others who are similar to oneself successfully accomplishing tasks can boost self-efficacy. This could involve role models, mentors, or even fictional characters in media.

Social persuasion

Providing encouragement, constructive feedback, and support from others can positively influence one's belief in their abilities. Social persuasion in the form of positive reinforcement and affirmations can go a long way in bolstering self-efficacy.

Emotional regulation

Helping individuals develop coping strategies to manage stress, anxiety and negative emotions can prevent self-doubt from undermining their sense of efficacy.

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