
Fraternity Brothers Raise $19,000 for Fellow Member’s Sex Change

By Cheri Cheng | Update Date: Feb 28, 2013 03:03 PM EST

Despite stereotypes surrounding fraternity organizations, brothers prove that they have got each other's backs in ways no one would have ever imagined. The brothers of Phi Alpha Tau fraternity at Emerson College in Boston, MA showed that being in a fraternity means more than just alcohol and parties. The brothers came together and help raise about $19,000 for fellow transgender member to finally get the surgery he needed while spreading awareness about transgender people as well.

Donnie Collins, a 20-year-old student was born with female organs but has always identified himself as a male. Collins had the courage to come out at the age of 17 as a transgender person. During the process of pledging Phi Alpha Tau, the members learned that Collins has been attempting to get insurance for gender altering surgeries. Collins wanted a double mastectomy and chest contouring that cost a total of $4,800, money that his university insurance did not offer since the company does not cover gender transition surgeries. After the brothers found out that the insurance company denied Collins any financial support, they decided to take matters into their own hands and start the IndieGoGo campaign.

Through the use of social media, the brothers raised well over their intended goal. The awareness fundraising website managed to raise $19K with still over a month left. One of the brothers stated that they much "rather have a hundred people donate $10 than 10 people donate $100." The brothers also created a Youtube video to further the awareness of the cause.

Since Collins only needs $4,800, the brothers have clearly stated that the remaining funds will be donated to the Jim Collins Foundation, which is a charity organization that helps transgender people pay for surgeries. Collins credits the fraternity for changing his life forever.

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