Counsel & Heal Buzz

Beauty YouTuber's Demise Sheds Light on Grief Over Medical Misdiagnosis

By Dynne C. | Update Date: Mar 21, 2024 09:28 PM EDT

Jessica Pettway, a beloved beauty and lifestyle vlogger, has passed away after battling stage 3 cervical cancer. But before she died, the influencer, with around 228K YouTube subscribers and 16.9 million views, shared her story online, including how she dealt with her medical misdiagnosis. 

Pettway's cancer diagnosis came in February 2023, following an unfortunate misdiagnosis of fibroids a month prior. In July, she decided to share her story on YouTube, appearing hopeful despite experiencing intense bleeding episodes. 

As her family members, including her husband and two daughters, grieve, so do her fans on the video-sharing platform. The YouTube community and fans remember her for her vibrant personality and unwavering faith in the face of adversity.

But while Pettway's story serves as a reminder of how critical and life-threatening cancer can be, it also sheds light on the grief that comes after a medical misdiagnosis.

Coping with misdiagnosis

Coping with misdiagnosis or medical errors can be emotionally and mentally challenging. When faced with a difficult diagnosis, people and their loved ones often experience grief akin to coping with a chronic or terminal illness. 

Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross has outlined the stages of grief in providing a roadmap for navigating the emotions that come after a medical misdiagnosis. These stages -- denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance -- may not occur linearly and can vary in intensity and duration for each person. It is crucial to recognize that experiencing these emotions is a natural part of the healing process.

When coping with a misdiagnosis, people may find themselves cycling through these stages, possibly reliving certain stages or getting stuck at one. Seeking support from loved ones, counseling, or support groups can aid in processing these emotions and moving toward acceptance.

Acceptance does not imply embracing the situation but acknowledging and adapting to the new reality. Furthermore, finding purpose or meaning in the experience, such as advocating for patient safety or supporting others facing similar challenges, can be empowering and healing, according to Kübler-Ross.

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