Mental Health
Sleep Hygiene Tips for Better Mood
A person can get in a better mood during the day every time sleep hygiene is practiced.
Sleep Hygiene Defined
Proper sleep hygiene involves creating an environment and adopting behaviors that promote consistent, restful sleep. It encompasses setting a strict sleep schedule, following a bedtime routine, forming healthy habits and optimizing the bedroom for sleep. While it alone will not cure sleep problems, it significantly impacts sleep quantity and quality.
Tips for a Better Mood
Paying attention to sleep hygiene is crucial for better sleep, enhancing overall well-being and productivity while reducing the risk of chronic health problems and mood disorders. There are several ways to improve a person's sleep hygiene.
Consistent Sleep Schedule
Establishing a regular bedtime and wake-up time trains the human body's internal clock, promoting a steady sleep pattern and improving overall sleep quality over time.
Sleep-First Policy
Experts suggest prioritizing sleep over other activities. People should recognize the importance of sleep for their health and well-being by allocating sufficient time for it, even if it means adjusting or sacrificing other non-essential activities.
No Bright Lights
Dimming lights and avoiding electronics before bedtime is one way to practice sleep hygiene. A relaxing pre-sleep environment can be achieved by reducing exposure to bright lights and electronic screens because they can interfere with the human body's natural production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep.
Meditation and Deep Breathing
Relaxation methods like meditation or deep breathing also help improve sleep hygiene. With progressive muscle relaxation added to the list, it is easier to calm the mind and body before bedtime while easing the transition into sleep.
Exposure to Natural Light
Spending time outdoors or near windows during daylight hours to receive natural light exposure helps regulate the human body's internal clock and promotes wakefulness during the day while supporting better sleep quality at night.
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