Mental Health

Empowerment and Spiritual Autonomy: The Core Values of New World Allstar

By David Thompson | Update Date: Jul 29, 2024 09:13 PM EDT
New World Allstar

(Photo : New World Allstar)

While the study of the metaphysical world deals with abstract concepts, such as the reality of man's existence in relation to time, space, knowing, cause, and being—this science or philosophy of first causes rarely offers substantial insight into self-realization. Even religion's answer to these existential questions often points the believer to a dependence on a higher being or towards a mysterious but divine plan. Always something or someone outside themselves and inherently out of their control.

Despite attempts to bring about self-actualization (or the fulfillment of one's talents and potentialities), these typical routes of attaining spiritual power fall short of truly empowering individuals to operate on their highest levels. New World Allstar has proven that 'Everything you need to Realize in Self is beyond the physical and mental forms of separation and is already within you.'

New World Allstar offers a true spiritual journey, one that not only offers the seeker a way to live a life-affirming existence that is practical and productive, but a life that also taps into your True Self—a consciousness that is not really "within you," but rather, It IS You.

Empowering Spiritual Autonomy

Spiritual autonomy supposes that we, as humans, are the only beings equipped with a mind, soul, and spirit and are the ultimate arbiters of truth and the meaning of our existence. This is not about an inflated sense of self-importance. Still, it is about knowing who and what you are—a spiritually divine being that is not only aware of the physical world around us but can access an inner world that is your True Self—and not simply a robotized version of millions of other individuals with similar ego/mind traits.

The path to becoming empowered and truly living out a 'self-actualized' life is not taught in schools, discussed with parents, or talked about among friends. It's a journey that must be sought and can be obtained with the guidance of a spiritual teacher. Not to be confused with other spiritual leaders, the New World Allstar journey stands firmly behind the proper role of a spiritual teacher as someone with the know-how to get you to a place where you don't need spiritual teachers or anyone.

3 New World Allstar Core Values

  1. The path to Self-Actualization is simpler than you THINK. It is technically not "within you." The moment you Self-Actualize is the moment that "it's all within you" is now just a figure of speech. What "it" is that is "within you" is the Real Actual YOU! 
  2. That which seeks Self-Actualization is NOT the True Self. The True Self is the Silent Witness or the Observer of the "seeker."
  3. The "seeker" is the ego/mind. The True Self is consciousness. Consciousness is not really "within you." It IS You.

If you desire to fulfill your most authentic self and live your fullest existence, in which you feel secure, you're at peace, and you find happiness and freedom in the world around you, then discover how New World Allstar can equip you with that missing link. Our life coaching methods have been used worldwide to guide individuals into the exciting world of self-mastery and spiritual strength.

The journey to self-actualization begins with discovering your true self, that state of consciousness that is the Real You!

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