
Skinny, the Famous Orange Fat Cat, Loses Weight and Finds a Home

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Mar 11, 2013 01:23 PM EDT

An obese 41-pound stray cat found wandering the streets of Texas six months ago has since slimmed down to 34 pounds and been adopted by his veterinarian.

Skinny, the orange tabby cat, lost seven pounds after being put on a special diet that helped increase his metabolism and weight loss.

Dr. Brittney Barton, the Dallas veterinarian overseeing Skinny's care, said on Friday that she has given him a permanent home with her, according to the Associated Press.

Barton says she became attached to Skinny, who once weighed as much as an average 5-year-old child, while tending to him at an animal shelter. In February, after a campaign to find the tabby a new home, she decided to adopt him herself.

Skinny, the fat orange cat now lives with Barton, her husband and three children, a dog and another cat, at her Dallas home.

Barton said that Skinny gets along fine with the other animals in the house, runs to his food bag at feeding time and can even jump on a couch.

Barton says that the house can provide Skinny with a lot of good exercise because it has long hallways.

Earlier this month, Counsel and Heal reported that another fat cat by the name of Biscuit was also seeking a home.

Biscuit, the white tabby, weighs about 37 pounds and had already been adopted once before. His first owner had been a disabled woman who brought him to the shelter. According to the Saint Louis Post- Dispatch, she had enjoyed feeding him snacks. His second owner had adopted him afterwards but brought him back because she told shelter workers that her new apartment did not allow pets.

Skinny and Biscuit are both very heavy cats, but they aren't the heaviest felines on record. According to the Guinness World Records, Himmy, an Australian cat that weighs an incredible 47 pounds is the world's heaviest cat.

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