
"Vampire" Woman So Addicted to Blood She Drinks at Least a Liter a Day

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Mar 18, 2013 02:26 PM EDT

A 29-year-old "vampire" woman is so addicted to drinking blood that she cannot be in a good mood without it.

A disturbing finale episode of TLC's My Strange features Michelle, a tattoo artist and real life vampire, who needs at least a liter of blood to get through the day. She said that the habit started when she was a teenager.

"Blood is as important as water to me," Michelle said on the show.

"I like to drink blood when I'm reading, when I'm relaxing, when I'm watching TV, when I'm painting," Michelle explains. "There's never a bad time for me to drink blood."

The California native said that her lust for blood is so strong that she cannot start her day without a sip of blood.

"I drink it and I get energized," she said.

She says she often drinks blood straight from the glass, but she also likes to cook with it or mix it with other substances.

"I wake up in the morning, I pour it into my coffee cup," she said in the show. She even enjoys an authentic "Bloody Mary" made with plasma instead of tomato juice.

Michelle prefers pig's blood to cow blood.

"I prefer the gaminess, it's a little bit saltier than the beef blood," she said.

Michelle compares her blood addiction to drinking wine.

"It definitely has the same ambiance," she said. "When I feel it going down my throat, it's like having a cold and drinking a hot toddy."

Michelle estimates that she has consumed a total of 1,000 gallons of blood since she first started her habit.

And it looks like Michelle's bizarre habit isn't going to end anytime soon. If Michelle doesn't get her daily dose of blood, she says she'll feel bad all day

"I get irritable without it, I get angry, I don't want to leave my house - I want my blood," she said.

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