
One Man's Answer to Bill Gates' Challenge to Build a Better Condom: Slingshot Condom

By Makini Brice | Update Date: Apr 09, 2013 01:40 PM EDT

A new invention gives a different meaning to the phrase "guns cocked".

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently announced a contest to build a better condom. As the organization explains, the condom has been around for tens of thousands of years and is safe and effective in the fight against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. However, the condom is not always pragmatic, especially for people with latex allergies, whose non-latex replacements are not always as effective as the old-fashioned latex condom. Because of the texture, many people also prefer to go without condoms, which can be a dangerous proposition. In order to eradicate that problem, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has issued a challenge to build a better condom - one that feels better than going without, according to the foundation's website. The winner will receive $100,000.

The challenge has been met with many serious contenders - and at least one terrifying proposition. According to the Daily Mail, Joerge Sprave from the Slingshot Channel recently uploaded a video that proclaims to provide a way to update the application of a condom. Sprave presents a contraption that attaches a condom to the barrel of a slingshot gun and that shoots a condom onto a man's, er, manhood.

In the video, he states, "The Slingshot Channel cannot stand back when someone poses a great challenge. Of course there are problems - like the lack of accuracy, and the fear. There is pain. But of course, it needs some improvement. That is why I need the money...Nothing fascinates male human beings more than guns and sex so when we combine both you must see the huge potential this has. So, come on, pass over the hundred grand and then we will make a product out of this."

Though the Daily Mail asks its readers if any would be so foolishly brave as to try the contraption, it does not seem that the test is necessary. During the video, Sprave can be seen giggling often and, in the description, it says, "Please keep in mind this is comedy and NOT a serious project. :)"

The video can be seen below.

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