
Mom Finds a Whole Toad in a Can of Beans She Served for Dinner

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: May 01, 2013 03:48 PM EDT

An Indiana woman discovered a whole toad in a can of green beans she bought at the grocery store for 69 cents.

Gloria Chubb didn't discover the little amphibian until she set her family's cooked dinner of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy and microwaved green beans from the can on the table last month.

Her son had been helping himself to each of the dishes Chubb had prepared when he noticed he had a little something extra after scooping himself a portion of green beans.

"My son put some on his plate and said, 'What is that?'" Chubb told CBS News. "I thought maybe it was a piece of moldy bacon or something. Because they have bacon in them sometimes."

Chubb couldn't believe her eyes when she examined it the mystery chunk that ended up on her son's bowl.

"And I took it out of there and it wasn't moldy bacon. It was a toad with parts of his little legs all in the green beans, other than that he was fully intact," she said.

"I was sick, nauseated for two days," Chubb added.

Chubb said she took the Meijer can of beans and the dead toad back to the grocery store where she had bought them. The store gave her a full refund for the faulty can with the toad and all the other cans she had bought along with it.

Chubb also took the can to the St. Joseph County Health Department, where the department's food service manager, Rita Hooton, concluded that the toad was, indeed, packaged in the can along with the beans.

"When the green beans were picked from the field, [the toad] got put in the conveyor line and accidentally got placed in the can of green beans," Hooton said, according to CBS News.

Meijer, the manufacturers of the can of toad-infested green beans sent Chubb a check of $50 and a letter of apology. Meijer also issued a statement apologizing for Chubb's experience.

"We sincerely regret this customer's experience, and we are in the process of investigating the incident," the statement read, according to CBS News.

According to the Daily Mail, officials at Indiana Department of Health said that besides amphibians, rodents and insects are also commonly found in canned food and frozen products.

Chubb believes that the company should do more to protect consumers.

"I think they should come up with a better way of inspecting and canning vegetables," she said. "I mean anything can happen you know but a whole frog?"

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