
Anal, Lucifer and 4real Among Banned Baby Names in New Zealand

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: May 02, 2013 01:47 PM EDT

If you live in New Zealand and you were thinking of naming your baby "Lucifer", "Anal", "V8" or "Mafia No Fear", you're out of luck.

On Wednesday officials in New Zealand released an updated list of banned baby names, which have been  reviously proposed by parents for their children but rejected by authorities.

"Justice," "4real," "Queen Victoria," "Lucifer," "Mafia No Fear," "Anal" and "A.J.," are some of the words in the updated list of 77 baby names the country's Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages have made illegal for moms and dads to bestow upon their children.

New Zealand authorities said that a name can be rejected if it is thought to "cause offense to a reasonable person," is "unreasonably long" or "resembles an official title and rank," according the Gawker

According to the Daily Mail, the name rejected most often was "Justice," which was turned down by authorities 62 times.  Alternate versions like "Justus" and "Juztice" have also been rejected.

According to The Daily Telegraph, in 2008 a New Zealand family court ordered the parents of a nine-year-old girl named "Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii" to change her name because it was embarrassing and "makes a fool of the child".  At the time Judge Rob Murfitt criticized parents who give their children weird names, citing examples like "Number 16 Bus Shelter", "Midnight Chardonnay" and twins called "Benson" and "Hedges".

In 2010 a study revealed that poorly chosen baby names can lead to low self-esteem, fewer relationship opportunities, less education later in life and a higher likelihood of smoking, according to the Huffington Post.

List of Top 10 Most Commonly Rejected Baby Names and the Number of Times it's Been Rejected Since 2001

1. Justice: 62

2. King: 31

3. Princess: 28

4. Prince: 27

5. Royal: 25

6. Duke: 10

7. Major: 9

8. Bishop: 9

9. Majesty: 7

10. J: 6

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