
Tough Hungarian Man Drives Himself to Hospital After Slicing Off His Arm

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: May 13, 2013 01:44 PM EDT

A 37-year-old Hungarian man managed to drive ten miles (15 kilometers) to the hospital after accidentally sawing off one of his arms.

Tibor A. had been cleaning a machine that processes construction rubble when he accidentally sliced his arm off below the elbow. Afterwards, he managed to retrieve his severed arm and drive through Austria clutching his lifeless limb.

The gruesome accident happened on Sunday in Purbach in eastern Austria, and plastic surgeons at Vienna's hospital AKH were able to successfully reattach Tibor's arm. 

Tibor managed to drive his car and rush to the casualty department in nearby Eisenstadt, according to AFP

Authorities said Tibor did not bleed to death was that because he was in a state of shock.

Afterwards, Tibor was airlifted to a hospital in Vienna where doctors worked to reattach his severed limb. 

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