
Man Unknowingly Had Pencil in His Head for 15 Years

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: May 29, 2013 09:03 AM EDT

It sounds like an episode from The Simpsons.

German doctors successfully removed a four-inch pencil from a man's head after he had unknowingly lived with the wooden writing utensil for 15 years.

Doctors at the Aachen University Hospital say the 24-year-old man from Afghanistan had suffered years of severe headaches, constant colds and worsening vision in one eye, according to the Associated Press.

In 2011, his symptoms became so unbearable that he decided to seek medical help.

A computer tomography scan revealed that the man had a 4-inch (10-centimeter) pencil lodged from his sinus to his pharynx, and has injured his right eye socket.

The unnamed Afghan said he didn't know how the pencil got lodged in his head, but he remembered that as a boy he once suffered a bad fall and had a serious nosebleed, according to the BBC.

In a case presentation at a medical conference in Essen, Germany, Professor Frank Hoelzle of Aachen University said that the man has recovered after doctors successfully removed the pencil from his head.

Doctors said the man was cured has not suffered adverse effects from his treatment, according to Metro.

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