Physical Wellness

Survey Reveals Jobs That Make Employees Gain The Most Weight

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: May 31, 2013 12:50 PM EDT

Ever wondered if your job is the reason why you can't fit into your old pants?

A survey reveals that if you work as an administrative assistant, an engineer or a teacher, you're most likely to pile on the pounds.

However, if you work in a factory or in a laboratory, you're least likely to put on weight.

The poll, conducted by Career Builder, surveyed nearly 3,700 workers about found that 55 percent of employees believed they were overweight.

Researchers found that 41 percent gained weight as a result of their current job and of those 59 percent gained more than 10 pounds, and nearly a third have gained more than 20 pounds, according to the Daily Mail.

However, going to work doesn't always mean you'll gain weight.  The study found that 16 percent of all survey respondents said that they had lost weight while at their current job. 

Researchers discovered that those who had gained weight had done so because they were very stressed and spent long hours sitting at a desk.  Employees also cited readily available junk food as a main cause for their weight gain.

Researchers found that controlling portions and counting calories were especially challenging while at work. More than half of workers say they go out to eat at least once a week, and a quarter dine out three or more times a week.

Nearly 10 percent of respondents admitted to eating lunch out of the vending machine at least once a week and 70 percent reported snacking throughout the day.

Even more the majority of employed respondents feel overweight, nearly 60 percent of all employees said they exercise on a regular basis.  Nearly 50 percent reported going to the gym at least three times a week and around 30 percent reported that they exercised, but not on a regular basis.  Only 11 percent reported not exercising at all.

While a third of employees said their companies provided health benefits like workout facilities or gym memberships, only 36 percent of employees who get these benefits take advantage of them.

Top Jobs That Make You Fat (% of Workers Who've Gained Weight)

1. Administrative assistant (69%)

2. Engineer (56%)

3. Teacher (51%)

4. Nurse (51%) 

5. Technician (51%)

6. Legal professional (48%)

7. Machine operator or factory worker (45%)

8. Scientist (39%)

Top Weight Gain Culprits (% of Workers Who Admit to Them)

1. Sitting at desk most of the day (56%)

2. Eating because of stress (35%)

3. Eating out regularly (26%)

4. The office sweetjar (17%)

5. Skipping meals because of time(17%)

6. Workplace celebrations (17%)

7. Pressure to eat food colleagues bring in (9%)

8. Happy hours  (4%)

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