Physical Wellness

The New and Dangerous Way to Get Drunk: Smoking Alcohol

By Cheri Cheng | Update Date: Jun 07, 2013 11:46 AM EDT

How to get drunk easily is no secret for people who like to relax after a long day of work or even during a college party. However, the conventional ways of getting drunk, which include taking shots and chugging, might be boring some people. According to several reports, a new way of getting intoxicated does not actually involve drinking. People are starting to try a new tactic known as smoking alcohol and it has started to worry medical professionals who believe this method of drinking could be extremely dangerous.

Drinking alcohol excessively in general is detrimental to overall health. Not only does it hurt the body, it can lead to mental complications especially when drunk people do things they regret the morning after. Now, people are combining two of the worst vices, smoking and drinking. This new technique involves pouring alcohol directly onto dry ice and then inhaling the smoke with a straw. Instead of a straw, some people are using bike pumps, in which the needle of the pump is inserted into the cork of an alcohol-filled bottle. When people pump air into the bottle, it vaporizes the alcohol allowing people to inhale it as oppose to drinking it.

This new way of getting intoxicating used the AWOL device, which stands for alcohol without liquid, was first introduced in 2004. However, the trend did not pick up after the United States quickly banned the devices. Now, clinicians are reporting that they are seeing more and more of these cases coming in and according to them, AWOL devices are used by almost all ages. For adults, some are choosing this method because they do not want to gain the calories from alcohol but want the effects are using this method. For teenagers, this new method could appear to be new and cool enough to try.

Based on how the alcohol is inhaled, the individual usually feels the effects immediately, which makes this type of drinking a lot more dangerous. Since the alcohol is inhaled, it bypasses the stomach and liver, which makes it harder for the body to get rid of. Inhaling alcohol could potentially lead to alcohol poisoning and overdosing a lot quicker.

"It's also terrible for your lungs and nasal passages," commented Dr. Deni Carise, the deputy chief clinical officer at the CRC Health Group, reported by Time. "Your lungs are not meant to inhale something that can turn back into a liquid. When you think of liquid in the lungs, you think of drowning."

Although there are no statistics behind this possibly growing trend, doctors and health experts remind people to avoid AWOL devices. Drinking is bad enough, smoking your alcohol would only make it worse. 

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