
Sexting is Cheating, Infidelity Survey Reveals

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Jul 09, 2013 05:11 PM EDT

Sexting is cheating, according to a new poll.

A new survey that examines how people define infidelity reveals that both men and women believe sexting is just as harmful to a relationship as cheating.

The YouGov poll conducted by the Huffington Post included 1,000 adults living in the United States.

The survey revealed that 85 percent of women and 74 percent of men say the sexting is dishonest.

The survey also revealed that Facebooking an ex and forming a close relationship with someone via text or email were also labeled as acts of betrayal.

However, the survey did reveal some gender differences in cheating attitudes.

Researchers said 70 percent of women, but only 50 percent of men would deem it a betrayal of trust if their partner formed a "deep emotional connection" with another person over the internet.

The majority of men surveyed also say kissing didn't count as cheating. In fact, 60 percent of men surveyed said it was find in their partner kissed another person, compared to 34 percent of women.

The survey found that older people are generally more lax about infidelity. While 74 percent of 18 to 29-year-olds considered kissing another as a valid reason to break up, only 30 percent over people over 65 year old thought the same.

However, older people were less tolerant when it came to their partner using social media websites like Facebook or Twitter.

The survey found that 69 percent of people older than 65 said that the would be angry if their partner started talking to someone else online, while only 52 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 29 said the same.

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