
Men Are Turned Off by Skimpy Clothing, Survey

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Jul 29, 2013 03:39 PM EDT

Ladies, it's time to cover up.  Men are actually turned off by skimpy clothing, a new survey reveals. The survey also found that men respect women who cover up more than those who let it all hang out.

A new poll revealed that 45 percent of men preferred elegant outfits to 31 percent who said they liked revealing ones.  Only 17 percent of men said they don't care about a potential date's outfit- just as long as she is attractive.

Researchers also found that the majority of men claimed that they would respect a woman more if she had a demure style, while a quarter said it depended on the woman in question. Unsurprisingly, only 22 percent of men said that they would respect a woman wearing a skimpy outfit.

While the majority of men preferred elegant outfits, the survey found that dress sense might not be the deciding factor in whether a man will approach a woman in a bar or not.

The poll, conducted by, revealed that 61 percent of men claimed that the went out only to meet members of the opposite sex, with that 67 percent men admitting that they would approach a woman if they saw someone they liked in a nightclub.

The poll revealed that 55 percent of men said they are more likely to give their number to women dressed in "classy" outfits, and 38 percent of men confessed to feeling intimidated by women in skimpy outfits.

"We were interested in discovering whether or not men were more likely to approach women who wore a specific style of clothing and whether this impacted their decisions to give out their number," said George Charles of, according to the Daily Mail. "Surprisingly, more men preferred to approach women who were wearing reserved and classy attire rather than a revealing outfit."

"As the results prove, it shows that men do notice women's clothes, so perhaps keep this in mind when planning your next party outfit," Charles explained. "Tailoring your look before going out and perhaps toning it down will make you feel more comfortable, which is the most important thing."

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