Physical Wellness

Separate Beds Make Couples Happier and Healthier, Study

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Aug 09, 2013 01:46 PM EDT

Sleeping in separate beds is so half a century ago, but new research reveals that it can actually make partners happier and healthier.

A new study reveals that between 30 percent and 40 percent of couples sleep in different beds.  Researchers at Ryerson University in Toronto said that the nightly separation actually benefits rather than harm a relationship.

People will say they sleep better [together], but when we actually monitor their brains. . . they're continuously being woken up by movement or sound. It creates a lot of problems," study author Colleen Carney told CBC.

Brains scans show that couples who sleep together do not get into the deeper stages of sleep. They found that couples that sleep separately get a better night's rest and are in happier relationships, according to the Daily Mail.

Carney also argues against the common belief that couples that sleep apart are troubled or unromantic.

"People can have very good and satisfying relationships sleeping apart," she said. "Some people might be headed to divorce and then they actually sleep apart and find this new way to connect." 

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