
Viagra Overdose Leads to Penis Amputation for 66-Year-Old

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Sep 23, 2013 12:59 PM EDT

A 66-year-old Colombian man had to have his penis amputated after overdosing on Viagra, according to various reports.

Gentil Ramirez, a farmer and former local politician living in the southern town of Gigante, reportedly took several of the blue erectile dysfunction pills to impress his girlfriend, according to the Daily Mail.

After suffering an erection for several days, his privates became inflamed and Ramirez developed signs of gangrene, according to the news website Colombia Reports.

When Ramirez finally sought medical advice, doctors told him that his penis was inflamed and fractured. They told Ramirez that his only option was to amputate his manhood to stop the inflammation and gangrene from spreading to other parts of his body.

"The patient showed bruising on the testicles and penis, was treated and is recovering well," Dr. Antonio Correa told La Nacion.

The unfortunate incident led staff at Neiva hospital to issue a warning for men not to use erectile dysfunction drugs without a prescription from their doctors.

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