
Summer Revealed As The Peak Season For Cheating

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Oct 10, 2013 05:56 PM EDT

Summer is the peak season for infidelity. A new study revealed that partners are most likely to cheat during June, July and August.

The latest findings, conducted by Bank of Italy research fellow Effrosyni Adamopoulou, come from a study that wanted to see if commonly held beliefs about infidelity were true.

Contrary to popular belief, researchers found that beautiful people aren't more likely to cheat.

Researchers examined data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health that started in 1994. Participants were asked to answer questions are their views on health, relationships and sex.

One of the questions posed to the group is: "During the time you and your current partner have had a sexual relationship, have you ever had any other sexual partners?"

The findings revealed that 21.5 percent of participants admitted to cheating on their partner. However, married people were less likely to cheat with 12.9 percent confessing to having cheated.

Researchers found that men and women were equally likely to cheat, and cheating was less likely among couples who had children or were religion. The survey also found that black men were more likely to be unfaithful than white men.

However, class, salary and education did not influence infidelity.

The study also found that people were more likely to cheat in the summer months. Researchers said this is probably due to increased opportunities for travel, and therefore increased opportunities to cheat.

 "Cheating is less likely to be detected when an individual chooses partners in different places," Adamopoulou explained in her study.

"There does not seem to be any relationship between socioeconomic status and infidelity. Earnings and education do not seem to have any statistically significant effect [on infidelity]," she added.

The findings are published in the journal Economic Letters

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