
2 Out of 3 Women Try To Change Their Boyfriend's Appearance

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Oct 31, 2013 06:50 PM EDT

Two thirds of women admit to trying to change their partner's appearance, according to a new survey.

The UK poll also found that it takes around 192 days for women to successfully turn their partner into Mr. Right.

Researchers found that 36 percent of women said they wanted to change their boyfriend because they were embarrassed or ashamed to be seen in public with their significant other when they first began dating.

The poll revealed that clothing choice, hair style and smell were the top reasons women gave for being embarrassed to stand next to their partner.

Forty-eight percent of women said they bought clothes for their partner, with the average woman buying 21 items and spending $800 a year for their boyfriend.

"Interestingly over two thirds of women will seek out a man and then alter their partner's appearance once they've began dating," said a spokesman for, according to the Daily Mail. "It definitely shows the high standards we set for ourselves and the expectations we have for our relationships."

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