
Workers Most Likely to Doze Off on Wednesdays

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Nov 06, 2013 01:01 PM EST

It might be hump day, but most employees feel like it's slump day.  New research reveals that employees are most likely to fall asleep at their desks on Wednesdays.

A new UK survey revealed a fifth of office workers are so tired that they have fallen asleep at their desk. A large proportion of employees who have dozed off said that they fell asleep because of an afternoon energy slump.

The survey revealed that 22 percent of the 2,000 survey respondents have napped for ten to 60 minutes, with most people sleeping 47 minutes on the job. The survey also revealed that workers are most likely to sleep on the job on Wednesdays.

The latest research, which was conducted by energy drink Lucozade Revive, noted that one in ten respondents admitted to falling asleep in a meeting room or an office bathroom. However, 18 percent of respondents simply slept at their desks.

Researchers found that happy moods help workers stay awake, with 52 percent of respondents saying that working with cheerful colleagues helps keep them alert in the office. The survey revealed that more than 38 percent of people who napped at work confessed that they do so because they hate their job.

Researchers found that women are more likely than men to fall asleep in the office. They study found that 70 percent and 58 percent of men experience an afternoon slump at least once a week.

Researchers found that 63 percent of media and advertising workers said that a "heavy lunch" was the reason why they felt tired and 33 percent said that drinking the night before was the reason they fall asleep at work.

The survey also revealed that 91 percent of people working in accountancy and financial services said they've taken an afternoon nap.

Afternoon drops in energy amount to an average of 24 unproductive days a year for each office worker, according to the UK study.  Researchers point out that this accounts for almost a tenth of the average worker's annual salary.

"This research shows that struggling to stay awake at work is becoming part of modern life," said Oliver Gray, an expert in employee wellbeing and energy, according to the Daily Mail.

"People need to manage their energy better and think about their diet, physical activity and lifestyle," he said.

'"Instead of unhealthy snack like crisps, cake and chocolate, they should look for products containing energy releasing B vitamins because they help unlock and release the energy in the food you eat," Gray added. 

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