
Woman's 8-Month Face Wound Was Actually a 5-Inch Bamboo Stick

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Dec 16, 2013 02:56 PM EST

What Fu Jinfeng thought was just a stubborn wound was actually a 4.7-inch bamboo stick lodged in her face for eight months.

The 61-year-old woman from China had gone to Xiang Ya Hospital in Changsha, Hunan Protvince, in early December, according to Daily Mail. She was unable to fully open her mouth to eat because of her eight-month-old wound had not fully healed.

Afterwards doctors were able to remove the stick from Jinfeng's face.

It is unclear how Junfeng was impaled with the stick in April.

This is not the only time a person has suffered such a bizarre incident.

In May, doctors discovered that a 24-year-old man from Afghanistan had unknowingly lived with a wooden pencil in his head for 15 years.

In March, a Canadian man found that his annoying three-year itch turned out to be a knife blade stuck in his back.

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