Mental Health

Brands May Predict Male Personalities

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Dec 27, 2013 07:40 PM EST

People always say you can't judge a book by its cover, but new research reveals that the ultimate measure of a man may lie in his merchandise.

In a new book called "Brand Guy," marketing researchers Bill Vernick and Claire Farber explain how brands can predict male personalities. They classify men into ten "brands": Bud Guy, Beemer Guy, Nike Guy, Tom's of Maine Guy, Comedy Central Guy, Celestial Seasonings Guy, Abercrombie Guy, Q-Tip Guy and Red Bull Guy.

The theory works because men tend to be very loyal to specific brands.

"Men are very much what their brands are," Vernick told The Cut.

He explained that many people create a facade of the person they would like to be. However, their lifestyles, diet and clothes offer important clues into who they really are.

"It's all stuff we've used in advertising - to sell to a guy, you have to picture what's going on in that guy's house. Like, what music does he listen to? What TV shows does he watch? What's in his medicine cabinet? What kind of car does he drive?" he said.

In their book, Vernick and Farber provide an analysis and a list of pros and cons for each of the ten personality types, acccoridng to the Daily Mail.

For instance, the "Beemer Guy" will buy women expensive gifts. However, they are often  "somewhat detached" emotionally. To win the heart of the "Beemer Guy," women should play hard to get because this type often feels like he is the prize.

Bud Guy is easygoing and content and prefers simple pleasures like Cocoa Cola and McDonalds. Mac Guy is creative and very independent. Unsurprisingly, Nike Guy is athletic and intense and Q-Tip guy is organized, conservative and detail-oriented.

Celestial Seasoning Guy is worldy and philosophical and is "more likely to drive home a point by quoting Sartre," according to Vernick and Farber. Abercromb

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