Mental Health

Faking Orgasms May Boost Women's Sex Drive

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Apr 02, 2014 06:14 PM EDT

Why do women fake orgasms? They fake it till they make it, according to experts.

New research reveals that faking the big O may actually help boost female arousal, according to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Archives.

Researchers found that faking orgasms actually help women feel sexually excited, according to the Huffington Post.

The latest study involved 481 sexually active, straight, single women with an average age of 20. Researchers asked women why they faked orgasms, and found some surprising results.

One of the top four answers women gave for faking orgasms involved altruistic deceit. Many women report faking orgasms to make their partner feel better about themselves.

Another top reason involved fear and insecurity, with some women admitting to faking it because they wanted to avoid bad feelings about the sexual experience.

The study also revealed that many women fake their orgasms to get sex over with.

Surprisingly, many women report that faking orgasms actually turns them on, and helps boost their sexual arousal, according to Newser.

Researchers said the latest findings support traditional belief that women fake pleasure to boost their partner's emotional wellbeing. However, the surprising finding of women faking it to boost their own arousal shows a new self-determination by women in bed, according to researcher Erin Cooper.

The findings are published in the Journal of Sexual Archives.

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