
Tiny Mites Are The Fastest Land Animals On Earth

By Kamal Nayan | Update Date: Apr 29, 2014 02:21 PM EDT

Up until now we all have believed that dangerous looking cheetah is the fastest living animal of our time. However this seems to be passé. 

According to latest reports, mite is the fastest creature on earth which is believed to be 20 times faster than cheetah. Samuel Rubin, lead researchers and a junior and physics major at Pitzer College, said according to News Tonight Africa, that cheetah manages an impressive 116 body lengths per second at speed of 60 miles per hour whereas mite covers 322 body lengths per second. Rubin added that the research seems to be interesting as it will help understand the physics that how such animals manage to accomplish such high speeds.

Scientists are calling this mite Paratarsotomus macropalpis which they found in the Southern California. They added that when speed is measured relative to body size nothing beats Paratarsotomus macropalpis.

Researchers studied the mite both in the labs and its natural environment through speed cameras. They added that keeping the mite in the camera frame was exceedingly difficult. 

"It's so cool to discover something that's faster than anything else, and just to imagine, as a human, going that fast compared to your body length is really amazing...But beyond that, looking deeper into the physics of how they accomplish these speeds could help inspire revolutionary new designs for things like robots or biomimetic devices," added Rubin. 

Rubin presented the findings to attendees of the Experimental Biology 2014 meeting in San Diego. 

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