Physical Wellness

Cervical Cancer Screenings After HPV Vaccination: All You Want To Know

By Shobha Vats | Update Date: Oct 30, 2016 09:30 PM EDT

Cervical Cancer has emerged as a large problem for many people. It is no less than any other type of cancer. It severely affects women in almost all ages.

It has proven to be the fourth most common cancer that causes death. Immediate screening of cervical cancer is necessary, as the early stages do not have any particular symptoms.

The examination of cervical cancer depends on the vaccine that patient has taken. This article gives a brief overview of cervical cancer, Human Papillomavirus and the screenings required after infection with HPV.

Cervical Cancer Synopsis

This disease emanates from the cervix (a part of the female reproductive system) because of an uncontrolled growth of cells.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV), HIV, Smoking, Oral Contraceptive, multiple sex partners, early sexual contact and multiple pregnancies are the causes of this disease.

However, the first stage does not have noticeable symptoms. During later stages, abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, pain during sex, loss of appetite, bleeding after douching are common symptoms.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine

HPV is the cause of 75 percent cases of cervical cancer. The three recommended vaccines for HPV infections are Gardasil, Gardasil 9, and Cervarix.

These vaccines assist in fighting the two high-risk HPVs namely type 16 and type 18. Similar to other vaccines, they also stimulate the female body to create antibodies, which might encounter with HPV in future. These vaccines primarily attach themselves to the virus and avert it from infecting cells.

Screening After HPV Vaccine

Many studies reflect that the need for cervical cancer test drastically reduces after intake of the HPV vaccine. After vaccination, medical experts witnessed 90% reduction in the risk of cancer. The vaccines promise to be effective up to 5-6 years.

With earlier HPV immunization, one requires the screening after a span of 5 years. The updated HPV vaccine has increased the time span even more. The doctors and researchers are suggesting a ten years screening period with the updated vaccines. The screening time solely depends on the remedy one uses.

Cervical Caner Screenings: The Take Home

The prime cause of cervical cancer is the HPV. Its treatment has successfully shown a fall in the cases of cervical cancer. The HPV vaccine aids the apparent gap in the evaluation time of cervical cancer. The updated HPV vaccines even guarantee a much longer active period.

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