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‘The Vampire Dairies’ Season 8: Season Finale Will See Another Major Death, Julie Dishes Warns Painful Death Next Year
After the heartbreaking death of Tyler Lockwood, "The Vampire Dairies" season 8 will see another major death come next year. Executive producer Julie Plec recently revealed that another death will soon follow but this one will be a lot painful and terrible.
It appears that Lockwood isn't the last major character to die in "The Vampire Diaries" season 8. Showrunner Julie Plec shared with TV Line that another major character will die next year before the whole series wraps on March 10. Among the many unpleasant adjectives she used to describe the death are painful and terrible. However, she declined to give out further information about the latest reveal.
Aside from this juicy reveal, fans should also expect more death in "The Vampire Diaries" season 8 especially now that Cade's newest man servant just flipped his humanity switch. That being said, fans should expect Stefan to be an unstoppable force, creating plenty of carnage in his wake. Plec stressed that Stefan isn't good with temptation while in ripper mode. It would be now Damon's turn to look out for his brother, careful not to let him go over the edge. However, Damon appears incapable of that job at this moment.
We'd still run towards Damon. #TVD @cwtvd
— The Vampire Diaries (@TVDWetpaint) December 28, 2016
Meanwhile, the forthcoming episodes of "The Vampire Dairies" season 8 promises a great turmoil, Hollywood Life added. Now that Damon and Stefan are now working for the dark side, bad things are bound to happen. While the death of major characters is inevitable in a series like "The Vampire Dairies," killing off fan favorites may not just be a good idea to end the series.
The next half of "The Vampire Dairies" season 8 will resume air time on January 13, 2017, on The CW. Do you think this is such a good idea? Who do you think will be killed off next? Sound off in the comment box below!
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