Physical Wellness
Tea Facts: Lipton Tea Project Gives Hope for Tea Growing Industry; Myanmar Tea Can Be Eaten as Well?
Just like coffee, tea is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. Due to the high demand, there is a need for expansion of the tea growing industry. Luckily, a 50-year-old research funded by Lipton may give hope to Central Valley tea growing industry.
The researchers of Global Tea Initiative at UC will use samples and cuttings that have been used from a 50-year-old Lipton Tea project that were obtained a few months ago by contacting Kearney Center. They asked about the old research and they were surprised when they heard that tea plants were still surviving.
Lipton Tea previously funded a 1967 research project. Surprisingly, there are 13 tea plants left from the research and they are still growing, according to ABC.
Jeff Dahlberg, a member of UC researchers said the sample and cutting they gathered from the Kearney Center will be used to develop a tea program. The group's next steps is to establish a one-acre test plot to find out if tea can be a viable crop in the Valley
No doubt tea is one of the favorite beverages not only in the United States, but also in Asia. One variety can be eaten and used as one of the ingredients in a salad.
An article published on The Hindu Business suggests that Myanmar tea, which is a fermented or pickled tea is best for salad.
Similar to coffee, tea contains antioxidants that help people be more youthful and protect their bodies from damages sustained because of pollution, according to Today.
Additionally, studies suggest that tea can help protect the teeth and heart. It can also help prevent cancer.
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