
Peach Fuzz and BO Cited as Top Modern Dating Deal Breakers, Survey

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Apr 11, 2013 07:44 AM EDT

Peach fuzz on a woman has been revealed as the biggest turn-off for single men, with 68 percent citing facial hair as an absolute deal breaker, according to a new survey.

For women, body odor was a top date deal breaker, with 87 percent of female survey respondents in Oxygen Media's dating poll citing foul body odor as a sure way to kill the romance.

Researchers found that 34 percent of the 833 people surveyed say they have faked an emergency to end a date early.

While facial hair and body odor seem to be big no-nos in the dating scene, the poll revealed that race and religion are no longer big issues when it comes to meeting potential lovers.

Researchers found that 90 percent of female African Americans and Hispanic daters said it was okay to end up with someone outside of their race, while about 85 percent of white respondents reported the same.  The poll also found that 80 percent of all respondents said it was fine if their future partner practiced a different religion.

When it comes to desirable traits in a date, "honesty" was ranked the highest over appearance and scent.

Researchers also asked participants where they went to look for potential partners.  They found that the majority looks for dates in bars or on dating sites, with 61 percent of singles looking for future mates in bars and 53 percent looking for partners using online dating sites.

However, the majority of women in the poll admit that these were not the best places to look for long-term partners. While most singles are looking for their future mates in bars, only 7 percent of married women found that to be a successful tactic. The poll revealed that women were most likely to land a man through blind dates or set-ups by friends.

The poll also revealed that 56 percent of daters turn to the internet rather than to friends and family to get relationship advice.  The poll found that 40 percent of African American and Hispanic singles said they watched TV shows to get dating advice.

When it comes to having sex and dating, both men and women said they were fine with kissing on the lips on a first date. However, more men were willing to go several steps further with 53 percent being fine with heavy petting, 50 percent being fine with sex and 45 percent being fine with oral sex.  The poll also found that 72 percent of men said they always bring condoms on the first date.

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