
Men Fake Orgasms Too - And They Do So Because They Care, Doctor Reveals

By Makini Brice | Update Date: Apr 15, 2013 02:19 PM EDT

Since the movie When Harry Met Sally came out, at least, people have long known that women have faked orgasms. However, according to research from clinical professor of urology Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, women are not the only ones who have faked orgasms. According to his book, 30 percent of men have faked orgasms as well - and the reasons for doing so may be surprising.

In an interview with Maclean's, the doctor explains that he first became interested in the matter after an interaction with a patient named David. Because he felt incapable of having an orgasm, David would fake it. The doctor said, "When David first came to my office I confess I didn't know this was possible. I'd never heard of such a case. But what fascinated me even more were the reasons he gave for faking it...David sensed [his partner] was feeling badly about herself as a woman because of her inability to get him to climax. So he began faking his orgasms to help her feel, in his mind, okay about herself, which I think is noble."

According to the Daily Mail, men tend to fake orgasms out of kindness. As the doctor explains, when men enter into relationships, they tend to care more about their partners than about themselves. Both men and women gave the same reasons for faking orgasms: because they felt that their partner was going to climax, so they felt pressure to do so as well.

He also says that the rise in men's faking orgasms is linked with an increase in gender insecurity in recent years. In the past, sex was regarded as a women's duty; now, men are expected to satisfy women as well.

"Overall, men have gained an undeserved bad reputation," Dr. Morgentaler said in the interview with Maclean's. "We have this notion that men, especially when it comes to sex, are selfish, thoughtless, uncaring and concerned only with their own self-gratification. What David's story showed me, and that of many other men I present in the book, is that one of their main impulses is actually to be a sexual provider. Men care more about their ability to be good lovers for their partner than they do about their own satisfaction."

He writes all about the topic in his book, Why Men Fake It: The Totally Unexpected Truth.

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