
Majority of Women Would Forgo Sex for Their Smartphone

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: May 28, 2013 04:11 PM EDT

Isn't it annoying when you're date is constantly checking her smartphone for the latest Instagram or Twitter updates? If you think that's irritating, wait till you hear about the latest statistics regarding women, their iPhone and sex.

A new survey revealed that the majority of American women would happily give up sex for a week if that means they'd have access to their smartphones.

The poll, conducted by internet security and optimization company AVG Technologies, found if given a choice between sex or their smartphone, 57 percent of American women would rather keep their phones.

But, you're in luck if your partner is French.  The survey revealed that French women are the least likely to forgo sex for their mobile device, with just 40 percent admitting that they will trade in sex with their partner for a smartphone, according to the Daily Mail.

The survey also found that 44 percent of Brazilian women chose their phones over sex.

Researchers say that women's attachment to their phones may also be affecting other aspects of their romantic relationship. The survey found that women appear to be turning to technology to help them manage the men in their lives.

The survey, which involved 4,000 women from the U.S., UK, Canada, France, Germany and Brazil, revealed that 47 percent of American women say they use social media websites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to research their dates ahead of time.

The survey found that 35 percent of all female respondents admit that they have actually cancelled a date based on information they've found on the internet.

Researchers found that American women ranked the highest in using social networking sites to check out their potential lovers, and 61 percent of Brazilian respondents admitted to cancelling dates based on information they've gathered from social media sites.

When it comes to ending relationships, more than 50 percent of women said they would break up with their partners over the phone, while more than a quarter found it acceptable to end a relationship with a simple text message.

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