
23-Year-Old Gives Birth to Czech Republic's First Naturally Conceived Quintuplets

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Jun 03, 2013 11:34 AM EDT

A 23-year-old Czech woman has given birth to the country's first-ever set of naturally-conceived quintuplets.

Alexandra Kinova gave birth by Cesarean section on Sunday at a hospital in Prague, according to officials at Prague's Institute for the Care of Mother and Child. Kinova gave birth to four boys and one girl. The boys' names are Deniel Michael, Alex and Martin, and the girl's name is Terezka.

The chief doctor at the neonatal section of the hospital, Zbynek Stranak, said that the Sunday birth took place "without any complications," according to the Associated Press. Stranak added that Kinova and her five babies have been placed at an intensive care unit. Doctors said that the naturally conceived babies have a 95 percent chance to grow up healthy.

Kinova, who is from a town in northeast Prague called Milovice, already has a 5-year-old son.

The father of the five newborn babies was present at birth. According to the Daily Mail, the family did not know the sex of all the babies until they were born because two of the infants were hidden in the scan. What's more, Kinova didn't realize she was carrying five babies until last month. Doctors initially thought Kinova was having twins, and in March they said that she was having four children. It wasn't until April, doctors finally discovered that Kinova was having quintuplets.

Kinova, who beat 1 in 60 million odds to conceive natural quintuplets without using IVF, said that she was in shock when she found out just how many babies she was carrying, according to The Telegraph.

"When the doctors told me that I was expecting so many children I began to cry; I could not believe it," the twenty-three-year old told the Mlada Fronta Dnes newspaper. "But I was so very happy with the news."

She said that she plans to breastfeed all five of her newborn babies.

"The first child I nursed for almost a year and a half, and I want to breastfeed now," she said.

The Telegraph reports that the local council in Milovic is helping Kinova's family by finding them a ground-floor apartment with three bedrooms, and paying for two nannies to assist Kinova for three years.

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