
Most Men Say Women Should Pay for Dates, Study

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Aug 13, 2013 12:47 PM EDT

Chivalry is dead, according to new research.

A study recently revealed that two out of three men think women should shell out money for dates. However, most men feel guilty about accepting money from their dates.

The survey revealed that of the 64 percent of men who want to go Dutch, 44 percent said they would even reject a potential lover who never offers to pay.

However, that 76 percent of men admitted feeling bad about taking money from possible partners.

Lead researcher David Frederick of Chapman University in California and his team analyzed data from more than 17,000 people to see how changing gender roles have affected traditional ideas of courtship.

The study revealed that 84 percent of men and 58 percent of women reported that men pay for most dating expenses even after partners have been dating for a while.

The majority of women have offered to pay for a date. The study found that 57 percent of women claimed that they had offered to pay for dates. However, 39 percent confessed that they secretly hoped the man would reject their offer to pay.

Frederick, who previously studied body image, said that he conducted the latest study "to understand why some gendered practices are more resistant to change than others," according to the Daily News.

The findings were presented at the Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association in New York City.

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