
Expectant Mothers Selling Used Pregnancy Tests Online

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Sep 02, 2013 12:58 PM EDT

Pregnant women across the U.S. are selling their positive pregnancy tests on Craigslist.

These positive pregnancy tests are reportedly worth between $20 and $40, according to the Daily News.

"Wanna get your boyfriend to finally pop the question? Play a trick on mom, dad or one of your friends?" writes a New Jersey mom, according to The Daily Dot.

"I'm pregnant and will sell you my positive pregnancy test for $20. I don't care what you need them for," a woman in New York writes on Craigslist.

Another woman in New York is selling her used pregnancy sticks for $25 a pop.

What's even more surprising is that there appears to be no shortage of customers looking for positive pregnancy tests.

One woman in California said she wanted to purchase the pregnancy test "to make a video on teen pregnancy" for her local boys and girls club, according to the Daily Mail.

Another woman in Texas wanted to buy the used sticks to get revenge on her ex-boyfriend who, after five years and two children, came home and told her than he had gotten his receptionist pregnant.

"We had been trying for another (baby). He texted and said he isn't sure who he wants to be with and I think I handled it well for what a cheating lying dog he is," she wrote.

"I would like the last laugh out of this. I will give some girl $40," she added.

With pregnancy tests selling for as little as $1 each online, it's easy to see why expectant moms in need of extra cash could be tempted to put their used pregnancy tests up for sale.

These bizarre advertisements have been posted in Chicago, Manhattan, Houston, Los Angeles and other cities.  While Craigslist has flagged some of these ads for removal, new ads that have not been flagged are still up and running, according to ABC News.

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