
Women Would Give Up Sex to Look Young, Survey

By Christine Hsu | Update Date: Sep 06, 2013 10:24 AM EDT

What would you sacrifice to look forever young? A new survey reveals that many women would give up sex all together if that means looking a few years younger.

A new survey by Elizabeth Arden revealed that 76 percent of women are "willing to do something extreme" to look younger. 

The poll revealed that 21 percent of women would give up sex for an entire year if they can reverse the clock. However, fewer women were willing to give up their cell phones, with only 19 percent saying that they would give up their mobile phones for a year to look younger, according to the Daily Mail.

Researchers also found that many women put their appearance in front of other more important things.  The found that 45 percent of survey respondents admitted being more concerned with aging gracefully than saving up for retirement.

A third of women said they would sacrifice social media for a year to look younger.

The poll found that 24 percent of women would go under the knife to maintain their looks, 22 percent would let their roots grow out if they can turn back time and 17 percent said they'd even work on weekends to look younger.

Even though it seems that women would do anything for youth, the survey revealed that 63 percent of women do not regularly use anti-aging products.

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